Comparing Cuba to the US and Tennessee

Supporters of socialism are often met with the refrain that "socialism only works on paper," that "it's only good in theory."

But is this true? What have socialist projects actually achieved?

In this post, we'll examine Cuba and how it compares to the United States and Tennessee along several key indicators of quality of life.

In all of these metrics Cuba outperforms Tennessee, and it beats the US in all but two. Cuba certainly has its problems, but it is remarkable that it has managed to achieve this despite the US trying to choke it into submission with an economic blockade.

Not only does Cuba outright beat the US and Tennessee here, but it does so at a severe disadvantage. Cuba is a developing country that has been under a crippling embargo for over 50 years and has not benefitted from plundering the rest of the globe. A more fair comparison would be one between Cuba and the Dominican Republic or Honduras or Guatemala.

That Cuba outperforms the US and Tennessee is both an incredible achievement and an incredible indictment of capitalism. The world's foremost capitalist power cannot feed its people as well as a developing socialist nation that it is actively trying to crush.